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Caregiver Respite Campaign

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the natural thing to do is step up and offer to provide care. But caring for an Alzheimer’s sufferer is not a job for the faint of heart, often requiring a constant watch – taking a toll both physically and emotionally on the caregiver. What’s worse is that caregivers often suffer silently, feeling too guilty or too proud to seek help.

Antithesis and Causewave (formerly the Ad Council of Greater Rochester) teamed up with a coalition of organizations to create awareness around the issue and encourage others to help caregivers get the respite they so desperately need. Through provocative headlines and photojournalistic-style imagery, this campaign set out to illuminate, and dramatize, the struggles many caregivers find themselves in.

The caregiver respite initiative has been recognized as a 2015 Gold Award Winner by the National Mature Media Awards.

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